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East meets West, tips on culture for outsourcing success

One of the foundations of a successful working relationship among teams
from various parts of the world is decoding the barriers of cultural
differences which inhibits communication and collaboration in an
organization.  Synergies may then be attainable when we deeply ingrain
the basic principles of culture of the persons we work with.

Germans manage their time and schedules carefully.  Business meetings
should be attended to on time.  Gifts are uncommon. However, if you
decide to bring gifts, make sure that these are of small value, such as
company planners and pens.  When attending events, be sure to be
appropriately dressed.  A conservative and formal business attire such
as dark colored suits is usually worn during business occasions.

Punctuality is also as essential part of business.  Time is money!
Further, Americans are usually direct to the point in their
communication style.  They would state the facts and get your opinion
and feedback in order to facilitate an exchange of information.  In
organizations, Americans tend to be informal by calling out colleagues
in their first name, regardless of position. However, when introduced in
a meeting, call the person by their title and their last name, unless
they mention that they be called in their first name.

Australians love to swear!  Swearing is usual in the workplace to just
show their emotion such as frustration. So don’t be surprised and
offended easily.  Punctuality is expected in the workplace. When in
lunch meetings, casual conversations is a norm before getting down to

Be on time during business meetings.  A firm handshake is a norm upon
meeting and leaving.  Exchange  business cards at the initial
introduction.  Call persons by the courtesy titles such as Mr., Ms. and
their surname, unless invited to call by first name.

Business in the Philippines is usually founded on personal
relationships.  Business people may sometimes be not direct to the point
in order to ensure personal relationships are not affected. Business
meetings are usually not attended on time, and 5 to 10 minutes late is
generally acceptable.  However, as the new generation now works with
people from other time zones, it is a now a norm to be exactly on time,
especially during business meetings. Address a person by the usual
courtesy title Mr. or Ms. and the surname during business meetings.
Gift giving through small inexpensive tokens is also a normal business

As the above list is not all exhaustive, please do try google to know more

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